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Für ein intelligentes Zuhause: <br> Ihre Smart Home <br> Förderung beantragen

Upgrade Your Home:
Securing a Government Grant
for Smart Home Technology

Imagine your home thinking ahead: The lighting adapts to your habits, doors open and close securely via app, and heating systems save energy by adjusting precisely to your needs. Smart home technol...

SmartHome Bedroom

Dreams of light and technology
in your smart bedroom

Imagine yourself lying comfortably in your bed, the warm blanket pulled over your feet, while the light dims gently, the temperature regulates itself as if by magic and the blinds slide down automa...

Im richtigen Licht erscheinen: <br>Human Centric Lighting im Smart Home umsetzen

Appearing in the right light: Implementing human centric lighting in your smart home

The typical office routine is something you can relate to: You go into the office early and don't leave until the evening. Throughout the day, you are exposed to artificial light while sitting at y...

Eine Smart Home Beleuchtung für Ihr modernes Zuhause

Smart home lighting for your modern home

Smart lighting systems redefine the way we use and experience light in our homes. With the help of modern technology, light sources can be conveniently controlled via smartphone or tablet. These sy...

Smart Hospital: Der Richtungswechsel zum Krankenhaus der Zukunft

Smart hospital: The shift toward the hospital of the future

The reason why people visit a clinic is always the same: patients require medical care, usually involving surgical procedures. Following the operation, several days of hospitalization with nursing ...

Mit beiden Rudern im Wasser: Smart Home auf der Yacht integrieren

Smart Boat: Having both Paddles under Control with one digital system

Spending free time on a yacht means escaping your daily work-routine in the city and moving your own four walls onto open waters. The idea is to minimize stress as much as possible on the high seas...